• Tech

MILO launches a new Champ Band fitness tracker for kids with heart-rate monitor

It's been some time since MILO dipped their toes into the kids fitness tracker arena, but they're back with a…

5 years ago
  • Lifestyle

Dessert from Existing Ingredients

Some food items generate emotions, a spoon full of Milo can make you feel like you're straddling a launched missile,…

7 years ago
  • Tech

Podcast: Your Tech Life #323

The Talkback Technology show - answering your calls, helping you with your tech issues and keeping you up to date…

8 years ago
  • Tech

MILO launches a wearable: Fitness tracker for kids

Fitness trackers are nothing new, in fact the "Wearable" craze has been going for a solid 18-24 months now, but…

8 years ago