Point and shoot compact cameras are a dying breed, with smartphones in every pocket there’s hardly a reason to bother any more – unless that is you really need something special.  Like Zoom or better video stabilisation.

Over the last week or so I’ve been testing the Canon PowerPowershot SX730HS and while it looks small it packs a punch.  I first noticed this while we were at a Lakers game in LA.

Perched up high in the stands, our view was amazing – but hardly great for close-up shots.  Until we got this gem:

J-Lo.  Yep, clear as you’d get.

It’s standard photo performance is excellent and exceeds your average smartphone too.

And with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity there’s no issue instagramming your great shots – just transfer them over to your phone.

That zoom though – 40x, plus some Digital if you like – but why bother.

Keep in mind, I did not use a tripod for any of these photos so I would imagine some chance they would get even better if properly taken with a stable base.

I mean, come on – look at that.

Then there is video – heavily stabilised using software in the camera it makes for very nice vision – however you need to know how this works to avoid sudden artificial movement in the video.

There are also some fun picture modes for greyscale and even drawing effects as you can see above – all built-in to the camera.

At $399 it’s a solid price, but still not too much given the quality of the output.

Menus are easy to read and use, and it’s light weight and compact enough for any bag or jacket pocket.

Buy it if you’re looking for zoom and basic video with stabilisation.  For more comprehensive video you are better off moving up in the range.