EFTM is a publisher of content for Australians by Australians.  Our goal is to inform Australians about the latest innovations in technology, the availability of technology from around the world in Australian retail and online stores, and to bring Australians news on technology that affects their lives either in a vast way though everyday touchpoints or indirectly.

Our Principals for Editorial Content.


  • EFTM is committed to the provision of the information through a combination of opinion and data-based reviews of new products and services, and factual reporting of news and current events as they pertain to or are based on technology or technology-related services.
  • When reporting news, we are committed to a balanced report – breaking down the facts within a story and reporting impartially the relevant information to our audience.
  • Our ethical approach to reporting is covered in the main by the “Integrity” section of these guidelines.


  • The content we produce will have relevance to Australians
  • We will take a large global issue affecting Australians and break it down in a way that is relatable and understandable to them.
  • EFTM does not publish reviews or news about products or services that are not or not likely to be available to Australians through fair and legal retail channels.
  • When publishing prices, our content will always refer to $ as Australian Dollars, and any other dollar indicated clearly.


  • Technology, Motoring, and other products launching in the modern era are complex.  Our role is to break them down to a level that is understandable and relatable.
  • Technical specifications are important for comparative purposes but are rarely the defining aspect of a product.
  • Content should be understandable to someone new to a product or concept, and of any demographic, with particular note to be paid to our older generations.


  • EFTM has no interest in breaching the privacy of our audience, or those who provide us with information about potential stories.
  • Everyone in society, from the average Joe public to the highest-paid company executive and elected officials deserve their privacy.  EFTM respects that in all reporting.


  • No individual, No Company, No Government, No Organisation can influence EFTM Editorial views on products we’re reviewing or reporting on.  No amount of money can influence the opinions of our writers or our editor.
  • EFTM does not believe in Click-bait.  We will publish prices within a headline, not require a reader to spend 5 minutes searching a story for it.
  • EFTM does not believe in content reproduction.  If a story concept is sourced externally, that source is credited and linked within the body of the article.  If a story contains information exclusively obtained by another source that information is not reproduced in its entirety, instead used in part, and linked back.
  • EFTM respects Embargoes by default for any news or product announcements.
  • EFTM will always make every effort to confirm or obtain a secondary source to any news information.


  • EFTM has always, and will always disclose major commercial interests, disclosures and sponsorships.
  • This includes but is not limited to the disclosure of trip hosts for any interstate or international travel.
  • Any content published on EFTM that has been created as part of a marketing, advertising, or sponsorship arrangement will be declared as such clearly.