George Clooney: smart, sophisticated, stylish – seemingly all around nice guy. While emulating his feats of style and grace may be somewhat challenging, drinking the same quality of coffee as him is exceedingly easy. He drinks Nespresso, by the way. How will this help you in any way, shape or form? It won’t, but good coffee is like a good car, absolutely necessary, and Nespresso have have just launched the new Lattissima+ which is good coffee in a rush.

The new Lattissima+ sheds the lightweight and dainty image most of the current line up have. While we would recommend the ratio of convenience to taste offered by products such as the Nespresso Pixie or Citiz, they just don’t have the presence a coffee machine should have in your kitchen. With the Lattissima+ you get a full range of features as well as a milk frother function for a close to cafe quality coffee. Sure, the machine isn’t huge, but it has presence, which is a good thing.

Made by DeLonghi, the Lattissima+ features advanced steamer technology and a 19 bar high pressure pump. It keeps milk at the ideal 60 degree Celsius temperature, will fit any mug size within reason and can be cleaned at the touch of a button. There are some parts which will need an additional clean, but they can be thrown in the dishwasher without risk of breaking either the Lattissima+ or your dishwasher.

The Lattissima+ will hold 10 capsules of Nespresso coffee, which it likes to call Grand Crus. There are 16 varieties of Grand Crus, from Fortissio Lungo to Ristretto, and plenty more… well, 14 to be precise. You can pick these up from the Nespresso website or by visiting a Nespresso boutique, of which there are plenty, unless you live in South Australia, Tasmania or the Northern Territory. For those men, you can pick up your capsules from a number of other stores.

Price: $599
Website: Nespresso