Australian’s love a good BBQ and if it isn’t the common sausage we’re all throwing on the plate, it’s a good steak. The biggest issue around this is the skill required to cook a good steak and to avoid losing you manliness, no one wants to ask the simple questions. So we did.

Thanks to BeefEater, James Viles (Biota, NSW), Scott Bridger (Bib & Tucker, WA) and Richard Ousby (Stokehouse Group, QLD) have each shared their answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about cooking the perfect BBQ steak.

Favourite cut of steak?

  • Scott Bridger: A beautiful piece of rump steak from my local butcher
  • James Viles: A rib eye or skirt steak is my go-to for the barbeque
  • Richard Ousby: In terms of steak it really comes down to your preferences – but I love a scotch fillet

Seasoning of choice?

  • James Viles: A good quality piece of meat doesn’t need marinade. Salt and pepper is enough
  • Richard Ousby: I brush the meat with rendered beef fat, then sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt
  • Scott Bridger: I only use good flaked sea salt and pepper. Keep it simple.

How often should you turn a steak on the BBQ?

  • Scott Bridger: Depends on how hot your grill is. If the grill is extremely hot you can turn it often,
    however generally once is enough
  • James Viles: It’s best to turn your steak once on a hot grill. Just please don’t keep moving it around!
  • Richard Ousby: It really depends on the cut and how hot your grill is. Trust your gut instinct

How can you tell it’s cooked (without cutting it open)?

  • Scott Bridger: Chefs generally judge by touch and how thick the meat is. For home cooks a
    thermometer is the best bet
  • James Viles: Practice makes perfect, I prefer to cook most cuts to medium rare and let it rest for
    about 20 – 30 minutes
  • Richard Ousby: The best way to learn to cook a great steak is to stuff it up once or twice – time
    yourself each time, and eventually you’ll get it down. I’ve been cooking for 20+ years and I stuff it up

Any other tips?

  • Select a good quality tender cut of meat – a butcher is usually your best bet
  • Always cook steak at room temperature, not straight from the fridge
  • Always rest your steak before serving. A good guide is to rest meat for at least half the cooking time