Ok, so it’s not the remaining two of the big four banks still holding out on Apple Pay after ANZ’s long time support and the Commonwealth Bank’s recent launch – but it’s more customers getting access to ApplePay and that’s a good thing.

EFTM can report that Woolworths is in the final stages of testing Apple Pay for it’s “Woolworths Credit Card” customers.

The telltale signs are showing when customers try to add their cards

We saw a similar thing when ANZ was completing their testing and getting ready to launch a few years ago.

It’s hard to say if this is a win for thousands, tens of thousands or just how many customers are benefiting from this likely move – but, as every new bank comes on board it puts more pressure on the small and large banks still to offer ApplePay to consumers.

At the same time, it pushed Apple closer to locking out the Australian Market – and be sure that when the remaining two majors come on board we’ll hear about the scale of ApplePay in Australia at the next possible CEO Keynote from Tim Cook at Apple.

If you’re a Woolworths Credit Card Customer – hit us up, let us know if it’s working for you yet:)

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