The classic Coca-Cola has been enjoyed for years and years. In the summer, over a pile of ice, we absolutely love a glass of the black magic. The first sip from a can of coke can send shivers down your spine and awaken you completely. It’s iconic, it’s one of the most well known brands on the planet, and they’re continuing to innovate.

Two new cans of Coca-Cola were sent to EFTM to taste and experience. They’re nothing like the original, they’re essentially a cocktail in a can and you won’t find them at your local grocery store.

Coke Batch Blends are available in two distinctive flavours – Caramel & Coffee and Coffee & Chocolate. Both combine the Coca-Cola taste with a blend of real coffee from Brazil, with a little extra something (caramel or chocolate) yet come with no sugar.

The cans don’t resemble a regular Coke and with their black wrap it solidifies the area this belongs, the bar. We immediately saw this as a can which should be poured into a scotch glass and served to the designated driver of the evening. It allows them to drink something rather interesting and special yet not look out of place among your mates.

We’ve tasted them both and the flavours are obvious, the initial sip brings the Coca-Cola and then the caramel or chocolate flavour follows through quickly. The added caffeine makes it also a great replacement for a hot coffee, especially in the summer when you’d prefer the pep without the heat.

Keep an eye out for these on your next night out, the range is available in 250ml cans in selected bars, hotels, cafes and restaurants.