It wouldn’t be a CES without a mention of robots – so here you go. Samsung are calling it the future of connected living, entirely separate to their range of smart home devices, these robots are AI-learned devices that will assist in a slightly different way than your Smart TV will.

The devices we’re looking at are the Samsung Bot Care, Samsung Bot Air, Samsung Bot Retail and the Samsung GEMS.

At their press conference we were given a little demonstration of how the Bot Care operates and it’s interesting in the way it assists your daily health routines. You’re able to place a finger onto the front of it’s display and get all of your vitals read! These can be tracked and used for medical documentation or in dire times, call an ambulance;

Samsung are claiming that their advances in the field of AI and robotics is in the name of making a positive impact and shaping a better world. We don’t know much more at this stage but we’ll keep you updated with hands-on demonstrations here at CES.
