In an internet world, data is king, we can be scared of it, but we can also use it to help us, and any company that is app driven has data. Spotify is a great example.

In just one week, from March 19 to 25 things look a whole lot different to the weeks prior.

Yes, as I’ve mentioned The Police’s “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” saw more a 135% spike in streams these recent weeks – a good fun jibe at the Social Distancing rules.

But there’s a lot more about our listening habits that have changed.

Podcasts on the Spotify platform have gone through the roof, particularly the News based ones.

Spotify have collated a bunch into a “COVID-19 hub” so you can find all the good stuff in one place.

The big shows have been from big publishers, CNN’s Coronavirus: Fact vs. Fiction for example, and BBC’s Coronavirus Global Update.

But outside of news, Parents faced with the unprecedented idea of home-schooling are using music and podcast for kids too.

You’ve got stuff to do, so set the kids up with a podcast, a story, or music. Plus, there’s music to help them sleep. Here are some playlists and podcasts recommended for parents to play to the kids.

Hard Rock be gone, it’s time to Chill. Perhaps, the world is a bit much, so there’s been a lot of “chill” songs added to playlists too – here’s a bunch from Spotify worth a look: Spotify Chill.

Plus, there’s an upside to those performers who have done a bunch of live streams on social media – their fans are jumping into Spotify to stream more right afterward, so that’s a win.

And finally, collaboration is up, more social sharing of playlists, building office or family playlists together – good fun!

So, lots to keep us entertained, and if you need new headphones or speakers to enjoy it all, check out our article on JBL’s range from just this morning.