Year after year we get great advances in different technologies, and while areas like Smartphones have slowed in some ways given we’ve reached a peak in what they can do and it’s really just the form factor that is changing – in the world of robotics there’s still plenty going on.

In fact, I think this might be the last year we award a “Best Robot Vacuum” in the EFTM BEST Awards, because in 2024 we should be thinking “Best Robot”. I’ve got a couple of worthy contenders in the backyard right now that might just challenge the Vacuum.

However, the award has to go this year to a brand that keeps pushing innovation, but also keeps pushing their app development, and convenience technology within the product, and that’s Ecovacs.

Last year’s X1 Omni would have been an easy winner if we had awards, but this year’s X2 is a step up again, with a self-raising mopping system to allow you to mop and vacuum the whole house no matter the flooring.

The advanced auto-empty station which now uses heat to dry the mopping pads for better hygiene, and an all-new design to make it more efficient.

It’s a member of our family, and probably does more hours of housework in a week than I do, so for me, the Ecovacs X2 Omni is the EFTM BEST Award winner for BEST ROBOT VACUUM 2023.