Aggressive expansion that failed, the realisation by consumers that regular coffee shops make better coffee, and… well, that last one was enough. It halted Starbucks in its tracks. Now for its next trick. Booze.

Starbucks is expanding the amount of store in which it sells alcohol. The coffee shop chain will begin to sell beer and wine in California, Illinois and Georgia in a bid to appeal to a new audience and grow its established customer base.

It’s not a new idea for Starbucks. It already sells alcohol in some stores in Washington and Oregon in the Pacific North West of America. Apparently Starbucks wants the chains to become warm and friendly places you come to with friends at anytime.

So what does this make Starbucks? A cafe? A bar? Or just a place that sells average coffee and a poor selection of booze? Oh, did we mention they would be selling “premium” foods as well.

Save us. No need to bring this idea to Australia, thanks.

Web: Starbucks