“Find common ground” – That’s the thought process behind Tinder’s latest feature. Introducing ‘Places’.

Most of us will all know what Tinder is, but if you don’t it’s pretty much the hottest dating app on the market. The app allows users to swipe right or left on other users profiles indicating whether they ‘like’ them (right swipe) or they don’t (left swipe), if both profiles like each other then you get a ‘match’ which allows the two users to communicate!

‘Places’ is designed to enhance user experience by providing information about places where people have been. Essentially, the app will shows users a location that you’ve visited via a map, for example a Coffee shop or a bar, which will hopefully offer a cool topic of conversation and a bit of common ground to break the ice for people who have matched.

Now I know what you’re thinking, it seems to be the only thing anyone in the tech world talks about these days. Privacy.

Never fear.. Tinder has put some measures in place to ensure user privacy is well looked after.

For starters, the feature is strictly opt in / opt out in that it can be turned off and on via the discovery screen of the app. I mean let’s be real, Tinder was never going to be able to sell this feature if it wasn’t set up like that given the current privacy climate.

Furthermore, the location update will not happen in real time! So you don’t have to worry about people being able to track exactly where you are at any point in time, the app waits around 30 minutes for a user to vacate the area before updating the visit to the Places map.

Visiting a place you don’t want shown? Cool, you can delete it, as Tinder explained in its Blog post revealing the feature:

“You can delete a place if you want to keep it hidden, or even choose to never be shown at a place, ever. You and your potential matches both have to actually have visited that place to be included.”

‘Places’ has been introduced to Sydney, Brisbane and Santiago on a trial basis however once the trial is complete its expected to be introduced globally.

Creepy or cool? You be the judge.